Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Word Reognition/Sociopsycholinguistic


Label each activity (L) for learning/word recognition or (A) for acquisiton/sociopsycholinguistic view.

Some activities can have both labels. Be prepared to explain your choices.


The students:


__L   look up words in the dictionary to write definitions

___A _make a Venn diagram to compare two stories

___L__practice sounding out words

__L___read in round~robin fashion

__L___correct peers when they make a mistake during reading

__A/L__identify words on a big book page that start with the same sound

___A__group cards with classmates' names by a criterion on such as first or last letter

__A___write rhyming poetry and then discuss different spellings for the same sound

_L____ask the teacher how to spell any word they don't know

__L___read a language experience story they have created with the teacher

__A___work in pairs to arrange words from a familiar chant into sentences

__A/L___divide words into syllables

__L___on a worksheet, draw a line from each word to the picture that starts with the same sound

__A___make alphabet books on different topics


The teacher:


_L____pre-teaches vocabulary

_L____does a shared reading with a big book

_L___makes sure that students read only books that fit their level

_L____has students segment words into phonemes

_A____writes words the students dictate for a story and has students help with the spelling of difficult words

_A____asks students to look around the room and find words starting with a certain letter

_L____uses decodable texts

_A____sets aside time for SSR (sustained silent reading) each day teaches Latin and Greek roots

_A___has students meet in literature circles

_L____conducts phonics drills

_L____chooses predictable texts

_A____teaches students different comprehension strategies does a picture walk of a new book

__A/L___uses a variety of worksheets to teach different skills


Word Recognition/learning seems to be about teaching the basics, more fundamentalist teaching. This approach is all about pre-teaching and skills based learning. This type of teaching/learning fits into a more traditional setting. The Sociopsycholinguistic/Acquisition view is more independent and student based. This student-based view allows students to gain understanding, use background knowledge and work on the basic principals of reading and writing later.



  1. Suzanne,
    I liked how you explained that word recognition/learning is more "pre-teaching" and that the acquisition is more "independent." It looks like we both agree that student-based helps students comprehend more.

  2. Suzanne,

    I agree that word recognition learning is about teaching the basics. This is how I remember learning and at seems that most of our classmates have too. The Sociopsycholinguistic view is an independent view we conclude by saying that it is a more liberal way of teaching our students.

  3. I know as a teacher stepping into that more liberal self paced learning environment was hard for me. I like to keep the balance between them, but I noticed through this lesson that I need to tip that scale a little more to the center. I guess less "pre-teaching:)"

  4. Suzanne-

    You said that you believe that word recognition/learning is a lot of pre-teaching and that in the acquisition method students use background knowledge.

    Sometimes I pre-teach to build background knowledge. Where do you think this falls into the learning vs. acquisition discussion?
